BBC Radio Wales 40th Anniversary Concert

BBC Radio Wales 40th Anniversary Concert

On Thursday 22 November, we were at the Swansea Grand Theatre to celebrate 40 years of BBC Radio Wales, with a very special evening of music and comedy hosted by Owen Money. Acts included our friends Only Men Aloud, international star of the stage John Owen Jones (of Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera fame), the Morriston Orpheus Choir, singer-songwriter Hannah Grace, top tenor Wynne Evans, local legend Mal Pope, Swansea band Who's Molly? and special guest Gabrielle. Owen was joined by acclaimed Welsh comics Mike Bubbins and Sarah Breese and a guest appearance by our engineer Gareth Bale (sorry Jared Planas!) to keep the laughs rolling between musical sets. It proved to be a very busy day for our 7 engineers who started at 7:30AM and finished at…
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Busy Start to Festival Season 2018!

Busy Start to Festival Season 2018!

This week is set to be a busy one for us all at ABacoustics, starting with a brief stint in Manchester providing an in-house PA system, monitoring systems, engineer and microphones for the recording of BBC's Songs of Praise with our friends Avanti. We are then providing Schoeps microphones, radio microphones and In-Ear-Monitoring systems for the filming of the Songs of Praise Young Choir of the Year competition. On Friday and Saturday we will be providing engineers and a Logic Systems PA system for a 'Radio 1's Biggest Weekend' Fringe event at Gower College.   We are also providing engineers and speakers for the 'Buxton lane' part of the Virgin London Marathon this year, which is a first for us! Our EAW 740 system and brand new Avid Profile desk…
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Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru

Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru

(English below) Rydym yn falch ein bod unwaith eto wedi cymryd rhan mewn dathliad mwyaf y wlad o’r iaith a celfyddydau Cymraeg. Eleni, cynhaliwyd Sir Fôn yr Eisteddfod ac fel arfer fe wnaethwn ni ddarparu cefnogaeth sain i'r Pafiliwn a'r Babell Len, ynghyd â nifer o lleoliadau arall ar draws Maes yr Eisteddfod, gan gynnwys Caffi Maes B, Y Lle Celf, a Maes D. Cafodd yr uchafbwyntiau eu darlledu bob dydd ar S4C. Fe wnaethom hefyd darparu offer a pheirianwyr ar gyfer yr ŵyl gerddoriaeth enwog Maes B (nawr yn ei 20fed flwyddyn) ac ymarferion oddi ar y Maes. [caption id="attachment_1950" align="aligncenter" width="3872"] Ein safle FOH ym Maes B 2017. Our FOH position at Maes B 2017.[/caption] Gadawodd ein huned ni'n gwag wrth i ni ddefnyddio ein rig EAW 730…
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Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2017

Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2017

(English below) Yr wythnos yma rydyn ni yn llwytho’r tryciau ar gyfer Eisteddfod yr Urdd, sydd ym Mhen-Y-Bont ar Ogwr eleni. Mae Eisteddfod yr Urdd yn un o wyliau teithiol mwyaf Ewrop gyda thros 15,000 o bobl ifanc yn cystadlu mewn cystadlaethau mewn cerddoriaeth, llenyddiaeth a pherfformio. Yn ogystal â’r cystadlaethau fe fydd cerddoriaeth byw, stondinau crefft a bwyd, a gweithgareddau at ddant pawb o gwmpas y Maes! Fe fyddwn ni yn darparu systemau sain fach ac offer AV ar gyfer llwyfannau o amgylch y Maes, yn ogystal ag system PA a thechnegydd ar gyfer y Pafiliwn a’r Llwyfan Perfformio. Unwaith eto fe fydd yna ‘Gig I Gloi’r Eisteddfod’ ar noswaith Sadwrn yr Eisteddfod efo Chroma, Fleur-De-Lys, Alys Williams, a Swnami yn chwarae ar y Llwyfan Perfformio. Pob lwc i…
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RHS Flower Show Cardiff

RHS Flower Show Cardiff

[caption id="attachment_1706" align="aligncenter" width="2560"] © Gareth James[/caption] Today we are preparing for a weekend at the RHS Cardiff Flower Show. The annual horticultural show takes place in Cardiff’s Bute Park and promises to welcome Spring in style with activities for all the family, and as usual we are providing sound support for the RHS Bandstand. We will be providing our Logic Systems CA rig, microphones, and one of our trusty sound engineers for the entire weekend. Visit us at the RHS Bandstand for live music every day of the show from 11am to 5pm, featuring some of the finest musicians from Cardiff and surrounding areas! For more information on the weekend's activities please visit the Royal Horticultural Society website here.
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